Generative AI overview

generative ai

Generative AI overview As we journey across the echelons of technological progress, one avenue is crystallizing as a standout protagonist in reshaping our collective future - Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). This transformative genre of AI is redefining the boundaries of innovation, unlocking unprecedented potential across various sectors, be it cloud computing, cybersecurity, or the broader ... Read more

Classification of Artificial Intelligence Concepts and AI Models

artificial intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a prominent field with wide-ranging applications in various industries. To better understand AI, it is important to classify its concepts and models hierarchically. This article presents a detailed classification of artificial intelligence concepts and AI models, organized in a hierarchical manner based on increasing complexity and capabilities. Artificial Intelligence ... Read more

Building your own AI LLM

This article provides an introduction to Generative AI models, Large Language Models as well as reference to tools which can assist your organization in building your own AI LLM. Introduction to GenAI and LLM Generative AI refers to a subset of artificial intelligence focused on creating models that can generate new content, such as images, ... Read more