How to assign a license to a Microsoft 365 user from the Microsoft 365 Admin Center

Table of Contents

This article provides guidance on how to assign a license to a Microsoft 365 user from the Microsoft 365 Admin Center. The article is available in my podcast and Youtube channel. View this article as a how-to video on Youtube.

You can also find details on how to manage all your licensing and billing configuration inside the Microsoft 365 Admin Center portal at the following article:

Case #

In this how-to article, we will show you how to assign a license to a Microsoft 365 user from the Microsoft 365 Admin Center Web portal.

Solution #

Go through the following steps.

  1. Open your Web browser and navigate to and login by using your administrator credentials.
  2. On the left hand side pane, click on Users, then Active Users. This will populate the list of available users on the main screen.
  3. Click on the name of the user to who you would like to assign a license.
  4. On the popup pane on the right, click on the licenses and apps tab.
  5. Check the license you wish to assign to the user and click Save Changes.
  6. Your user's license allocation occurs instantly. However some of the associated services and features (for instance an Exchange Online mailbox) will be fully functional after maximum 1 hour.

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