
An algorithm is a series of instructions, either in the form of pseudo-code or in a computer programming language, which aim at solving a problem or at performing some sort of computation. Algorithms are therefore strongly connected to various fields of mathematics and physics, such as probability and statics, calculus and linear algebra. Algorithms apply ... Read more


AUC stands for Area Under the Curve. This refers to the two-dimensional area which is defined by a mathematical plot curve, the x-axis and two boundary points.


Cloud computing dictionary


Jasypt is a java library which allows developers to add basic encryption to applications.


jQuery jQuery is a well-known JavaScript library. It specializes in HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax. It utilizes an API which is compatible with all major browsers.

Lambda function

Lambda functions are also known as anonymous functions. Lambda functions are to higher order functions to literals are to computer programming data types. Examples of lambda functions in Python can be found at:

linear regression

Linear regression is a statistical modeling technique. It utilizes a dependent variable, which can be discrete or continuous number and one independent variable. Linear regression models are simple to train by using machine learning. In many cases are the first type of machine learning models to try to train when using a new data set. ... Read more


Matplotlib is a Python programming language library which is used in applications which need to create and process visualizations. Visualizations can be static, animated or interactive. The major visualization types which can be managed by Matplotlib are: Pairwise data Statistical distributions Gridded data 3D and volumetric data The official Matplotlib documentation can be found at: ... Read more


Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) is a cross-platform framework for creating native mobile and desktop apps with C# and XAML.


NLTK is a natural language processing platform which can be utilized in Python applications to allow them to process human language data. Details about the NLTK platform can be found in its official website at: An alternative toolkit for text tokenization (into sentences and words), for identifying parts of speech and stop words and ... Read more


NumPy is a Python package for scientific computing operations. The NumPy Python library includes a multidimensional array object, a series of derived objects as well as functions which apply processing actions on these objects. More details about NumPy features and documentation can be found at:


Pandas is an open source library in Python. Pandas provides functions and tools to allow management of data structures and data analysis. Therefore Pandas library is particularly useful in data science, data engineering and machine learning. The official documentation of the pandas functions is available at: Pydata community is a member of the NumFocus ... Read more


Python is an imperative computer programming language. Python is very versatile and flexible and can accommodate a series of problem solving algorithms in various  knowledge domains. One scientific area in which Python excels is Machine Learning and, consequently, Artificial Intelligence. Python code, including libraries of classes and functions, are organized into packages and modules. A ... Read more


Software constitutes the set of computer programming code alongside other utility and dependency files and tools which provide a unified application experience to end users and application programming interface (API) consumers. Software can be created in any computer programming language, markup language or scripting language by using one or more algorithms, and can generally be ... Read more


WCF Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building service-oriented applications by utilizing asynchronous messages and service endpoints. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops is a great example of a VDI platform which is developed under Microsoft .NET and the WCF framework. For more details about WCF, refer to the official page at


Yaml YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language, primarily used for configuration files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted. JSON is extensively used in public cloud computing Infrastructure As Code (IaC) templates. Details about the YAML specification can be found at