AI accelerator

AI accelerator An AI accelerator is a specialized hardware component which is mainly utilized for artificial intelligence tasks. It can perform AI computations in a more efficient manner than conventional computer processors (CPU), hence AI accelerators are also known as Neural Processing Units (NPU). By using algorithms for parallelism, AI accelerators can enchance performance of ... Read more

AI hardware

Artificial Intelligence (AI) relates to computer hardware in multiple ways, as follows: AI platforms are being used to optimize the design and manufacturing of new compute hardware systems. Special computer hardware processor units, referred to as AI accelerators or Neural Processing Units (NPU) are being developed to enhance the performance of AI applications and machine ... Read more


Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are custom-built integrated circuit (IC) electronic systems, which are designed to optimize AI and ML workloads. ASICs have a large application spectrum, including for example video and voice codecs. In contrast to ASICs which are application specific, there are various general purpose Integrated Circuit systems, such as FPGAs.