
In machine learning (ML), bias is a concept which is related to errors in the model's predictions, as a results of multiple assumptions and simplifications in the machine learning algorithm. Due to these assumptions, the ML model becomes easy to explain (explainability) but it often misses to capture the complexity inside the training and testing ... Read more

Machine learning

Machine learning Machine learning (ML) is a field of study that involves the development of algorithms and statistical models which enable computing systems to develop skills in specific areas, by using data-based training and evaluation. Commonly this leads to Artificial Intelligence (AI) cognitive services, such as computer vision and image recognition.

Machine learning model

A model, under a more general perspective, is the mathematical representation of a real-life system, e.g. a simulator or emulator of an airplane uses airplane flight navigation models and turbo jet engine models. A machine learning (ML) model is a mathematical representation of data applied to an algorithm.


NLTK is a natural language processing platform which can be utilized in Python applications to allow them to process human language data. Details about the NLTK platform can be found in its official website at: An alternative toolkit for text tokenization (into sentences and words), for identifying parts of speech and stop words and ... Read more


NumPy is a Python package for scientific computing operations. The NumPy Python library includes a multidimensional array object, a series of derived objects as well as functions which apply processing actions on these objects. More details about NumPy features and documentation can be found at:

Standard deviation

A standard deviation (or σ) is a statistical metric (measure) of how dispersed the data is in relation to the mean. It if frequently used in machine learning data preparation and in machine learning model training.

Tensor flow

Tensor flow TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning (ML) software library. Tensorflow was originally created by the Google Brain Team in 2015. The main purpose of Tensorflow is building and training neural networks, by using a variety of supported languages, the primary one being Python. To discover the Tensorflow customizable pre-built models, visit its official ... Read more

Transformer machine learning model

Transformer machine learning model A transformer is a deep learning model. Transformer models are mainly used for natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV). Transformers are the evolution of RNN models. A recent example of tranformer-type models in artificial intelligence (AI) are the dp-tranformer models developed by Microsoft research. More details can be found ... Read more