Protecting your online content

If you are a Web content creator, you know that you will have to face various challenges with securing your content from theft and plagiarism. Whether you create e-books, e-courses, scientific research or artistic content, you need to be aware of a few basic techniques to protect your content's security and privacy and allow it to be accessible from only your authorized audience.

Protecting your online content
internet security and data protection concept, blockchain and cybersecurity

Some of the most well known and efficient technical for online content protection are the following.

Hot Linking Protection

Hot Linking Protection prevents unauthorized users from linking directly to your media so they are not able to use any of your bandwidth and slow down your site. You can also modify your .htaccess file to prevent direct URL access to the video file. Instructions for this method can be found in this article. There are various video hosting services, such as Vimeo, which provide a multitude of video privacy options.

Concurrent Login Protection

Prevent users from sharing their logins by making only one session active at a time. This way, only one user shall be able to login by a single username. This does not entirely prevent the chance of credential sharing but it greatly reduces the chances of this event occurring in big scale.

Use content protection plugins

Prevent copy and paste with your content by blocking right-clicking. If you host your online content in WordPress, there are plenty WordPress plugins which address right clicking and other similar actions to be prohibited by end users. A good compilation of such WordPress content protection plugins can be found at

reCaptcha Integration

End registration spam by using reCaptcha on your registration and login forms. Integrity includes the option of using either reCaptcha V2 or V3. Google reCaptcha documentation provides further information on this matter and how you can enable reCaptcha for your online content.