SQL Server Add node error – Rule “SQL Server database services feature state" failed

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Issue #

When you try to add a second node to an existing clustered SQL Server instance you come across the following blocking error in the installer: "Add node error – Rule SQL Server database services feature state failed".

Also the following registry key


is set to value other than 1 (1= healthy). If you see any other number in this key value, then there is an issue in the installation of the SQL instance on the first node which needs to be fixed first.

Solution #

This error means the initial first node installation failed and AddNode action is blocked. You must go to the first node and check setup log files to see if the installation succeeded or failed. If the first node failed, then you would need to uninstall it and try the installation again. Then you should be able to add additional nodes.

After resolving the original issue on the first SQL cluster node, recheck the registry key


to ensure that it has a value of 1 (one). Only then can you proceed with the addition of the second node to the cluster.

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