How to register for a free OpenAI ChatGPT account

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Case #

You need to register for a free OpenAI ChatGPT account. This KB article in the category of AI provides guidance on how to register for a free OpenAI ChatGPT account.

Solution #

In this how-to article, we will provide you with instructions on how to register for a free OpenAI ChatGPT account. This article is also available as a Youtube video at:

The article is also available in audio format in my podcast at:

To create a new free OpenAI ChatGPT account, carry out the following steps.

  1. Visit the OpenAI website at . Start by opening your preferred web browser and navigate to the OpenAI homepage. Click the "SignUp" button.
  2. Locate the "Continue with Google" button. Similarly you can choose the "Continue with Microsoft" or "Continue with Apple" buttons.
  3. After selecting the Google option, a new window or tab will pop up, directing you to a Google authentication page.
  4. Select your Google Account. If you're already logged into your Google account in the browser, you'll see your account listed. If not, you'll need to enter your Google email (or phone number associated with the Google account) and password. If you have multiple Google accounts, select the one you wish to use.
  5. Grant Permissions. Google will display a list of permissions that the OpenAI platform is requesting. Common permissions include access to your basic profile information. Review these permissions and decide whether you're comfortable granting them. If you agree, click the "Allow" or "Accept" button.
  6. Complete the Registration on OpenAI. Once you've authenticated with Google, you'll be redirected back to the OpenAI platform. Here, they might ask for additional information, like a username, ask for a code sent to your mobile via text message or preferences for communication.
  7. You are done! Once all previous steps are completed, you should have a registered OpenAI account linked to your Google ID.

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